Učite nemački uz inovativne metode nastave

Pripremite se za ispite i uživajte u učenju uz video lekcije.

Upoznajte nas bliže

Ćao svima!

Ja sam Dragan Radovančević, MSc. psiholog i pasionirani ljubitelj jezika. Svakom učeniku prilazim individualno. Ne učimo knjigu lekciju po lekciju, nego u skladu sa tvojim znanjem.

Veliki mi je izazov da što pre položiš ispit! Uz moju pomoć, naravno... Vidimo se, javi se :)

Sa ponosom delim svoje bogato iskustvo i dokazane rezultate u oblasti gramatike, kreativnog pisanja i kopirajtinga - stečene kroz brojne osvojene nagrade na takmičenjima. Ovo dragoceno znanje sada stavljam vama na raspolaganje kroz individualne časove jezika.



Prosečna ocena nastave

Zadovoljni učenici

Nastava nemačkog jezika

Kvalitetna nastava za osnovne i srednje škole, kao i priprema za ispite.

Online časovi nemačkog

Snimci časova dostupni su samo vama, omogućavajući ponavljanje gradiva kad god želite.

Wooden tiles with letters spelling out 'ONLINE LANGUAGES' are arranged neatly on a wooden surface. Surrounding the tiles, there are a laptop, a hard drive, a smartphone, and wireless earphones.
Wooden tiles with letters spelling out 'ONLINE LANGUAGES' are arranged neatly on a wooden surface. Surrounding the tiles, there are a laptop, a hard drive, a smartphone, and wireless earphones.
Program za medicinare

Specijalizovani program za negovateljice i vaspitače, prilagođen potrebama zdravstvenih radnika.

A yellow sign with bold black text in German promoting an agency located on a street. The background shows part of an urban setting with tables and chairs on a sidewalk.
A yellow sign with bold black text in German promoting an agency located on a street. The background shows part of an urban setting with tables and chairs on a sidewalk.

Galerija časova

Pogledajte primere vežbi i snimaka sa časova nemačkog.

A blackboard menu with wooden frame displays a list of food items and their prices in German at an outdoor market. In the background, people are walking past various market stalls and food trucks under a sunny sky.
A blackboard menu with wooden frame displays a list of food items and their prices in German at an outdoor market. In the background, people are walking past various market stalls and food trucks under a sunny sky.
A laptop screen displays a webpage with the title 'ChatGPT Mastery Course'. The page includes sections on Learning, Writing, Money, Marketing, Productivity, and Tools, with various bullet points under each category. The top right shows an open browser tab, and there is a rating section with stars in the top left. Bright icons of various applications are visible at the bottom of the screen.
A laptop screen displays a webpage with the title 'ChatGPT Mastery Course'. The page includes sections on Learning, Writing, Money, Marketing, Productivity, and Tools, with various bullet points under each category. The top right shows an open browser tab, and there is a rating section with stars in the top left. Bright icons of various applications are visible at the bottom of the screen.